Whether you look for commercial services or community services, you will find both are well-established in Weyburn.
Canada's major banks are represented, as well as a major credit union, plus a solid professional sector made up of accounting, insurance, legal and medical services. Communications services include 2 newspapers, 3 radio stations, and cable television.
An extensive, modern education system includes one of the Province's leading comprehensive high schools, and extends to a regional college with university-level programs as well as vocational training. The City provides a wide variety of sports and recreation facilities, including many with free access. There are libraries, galleries, numerous art centers and museums, and one of the Province's newest urban park developments.
As the headquarters of the Sun Country Health Region, Weyburn maintains an extensive health care network, including a hospital and other specialized care facilities.
Nearby water sources not only provide for home and business needs in the City and its surrounding area, but have also become major recreation centres for golf, boating, camping and fishing.
The civic infrastructure for transportation, electricity, natural gas and telecommunications is first class and includes the security of modern fire, police and emergency measures protection.
Visitors enjoy eight hotels and motels, and a diverse selection of restaurants. Civic and commercial properties supply a wide range of meeting and convention facilities.
Behind all these services stands a well-educated and highly motivated workforce, imbued with the self-reliant skills and initiative that characterize the practical prairie work ethic.
For more information regarding the City of Weyburn please visit their homepage.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Weyburn has the solid economic and community foundation on which new opportunities are built.